Friday, November 21, 2008

Just a note about Friends. They are people that know you well and like you anyway. This week my two dear friends came to visit. I have been gone from Twin Falls about 9 months now and haven't found a "bosoom" friend here. So you can imagine the excitement I felt when my great friends from Idaho came to visit for two days. I looked forward to their visit for a month. I was NOT disappointed with our time together. We talked and shopped and ate and laughed!!!!! It was wonderful. They are such dear friends. We have children about the same ages and have shared the ups and downs of motherhood. We have cried together, taken care of each others children, cleaned each others houses and bore testimonies of Christ to each other. I know that they were sent here to be part of my guardian angels and I love them dearly. I can't wait for our next f"party" together!!!

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